Friday, 31 January 2014

Cloudsim Setup and running simulation on ubuntu 12.04

Cloudsim Setup with Eclipse on ubuntu 12.04 (Simulation of cloudsim with eclipse)

Prerequisites to run Cloudsim

1) Install Java 1.6 or 1.7 or latest 

   sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk

2)  Installing Eclipse

   sudo apt-get install eclipse 

 Goto ubuntu software center

  write eclipse on search box and click on install option to install eclipse

3) Download the latest cloudsim using below link 

 4) extract all

   $tar -xvf   cloudsim-3.0.3.tar.gz

5)  Go-to eclipse and create a new Java project

   i)  eclipse=> New=>Java Project

   ii) uncheck the default location and browse to cloudsim folder.

browse to cloudsim folder
   iii) click finish

Run an Example to feel the cloudsim Simulation

1) Click on cloudsim(above created project) project and go to examples folder

2) click on file and click on run (Ctrl+F11)


  3)  Output of the program is shown in the console

output of CloudSimExample1

Thursday, 30 January 2014

compile and install libvirt

Compile and Install libvirt on Ubuntu 12.04 

( $virsh -c esx:// error: invalid argument in libvirt was built without the 'esx' driver)

libvirt uses the standard configure/make/install steps:

Compiling from source

1) Download the libvirt-1.0.3.tar.gz from
    use wget libvirt-1.0.3.tar.gz
2) extract all

$tar -xvf  libvirt-1.0.3.tar.gz

3) $cd libvirt-1.0.3

4) Install the dependencies such as  

sudo apt-get install gcc make pkg-config libxml2-dev libgnutls-dev libdevmapper-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev python-dev libpciaccess-dev libxen-dev libnl-dev
5) ./configure --prefix=/usr --localstatedir=/var --sysconfdir=/etc --with-esx=yes --with-xen=yes

6) make
    sudo make install
7) Check whether libvirt and virsh were installed

virsh  --version
libvirt --libvirt

It displays 1.0.3 for libvirt

Try connecting to esx hypervios  using virsh commands

$virsh -c esx://
(replace with ip or url)

enter the username and password of the node(hypervisor)

after authentication it will redirect to virsh mode:

Now start using virsh commands to create, start, suspend, resume virtual machines.



Sunday, 6 May 2012


Yes before Going to see more about cloud computing , let us understand, how does it came into existence.....
Here are some clue, Cloud is nothing but clustering of clustering which contains many servers, each cluster is controlled by a controller may be software or hardware, and these Clusters are controlled and managed by an another Controller, like wise a system will be formed in an hierarchy.  So each Clusters have Servers, it can be Physical or Virtual...
you may ask what is this virtual...?
Answers for this question is not that simple to explain, you should take a look at what does it mean......

Virtualization: is virtualizing something that is physically existing. In computer science, Virtualization can do on Memory, Desktop, Hardware etc.
Using virtualization concept, people planned to build cloud computing in-terms of  SAAS, PASS and IAAS.
Virtualization enables to running multiple operating systems on the same computer, eliminating the need for extra computer, a saving in cost , reducing the footprint(i.e. disk space).

Running multiple Operating Systems is not a new concept. Early days Boot Manager, MAC OS  X Boot Camp which allows windows operating system to be installed on an Apple Machine. But more interesting and difference is that that today we are using soft-ware to install the operating system, it is simple and straightforward process.

Many advantages are there using Virtualization software, consider you want to run two operating systems and two server, in such case you can install everything in a single physical machine without requiring 4 different system for each operating systems and servers.  The physical machine OS is called as "HoSt", the Operating systems installed are called as "GuesTs".

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Why Cloud?

Many people have questions in their mind, why cloud? does it is helpful for us? what does it make difference with existing technology?

for all your question the answer is that, you should understand the basics things like first, what is cloud, what benefits are there by using cloud, services...........

lets share here,  What is cloud?

 The method of using a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer and delivery of computing as a service rather than a product.

Lets us discuss the advantages of cloud computing........

after watching video in the above link, you will come to know how the things are going across the world about cloud.... 
Even though  cloud does't sound safe, there are many benefits... they are as follows...

1. Reduced cost, it helps to clients and website owners to reduce cost.
2. The client no need to have large memory storage, so user can have a portable machine with him to operate anything on network at anytime.
3. client/user need not have software in current machine or need not to download them, that saves time.
4. It helps keeping safe there files form hackers and also they need nit to worry about security.
5. More storage space will be given to user than their personal computer, that reduce cost and maintaining.
6. For owner perspective he does't want to hire more people to manage and also updating server quite easy. 

Plenty of uses and advantages are there by using cloud computing..... as the days passes you will come to know, before that lets called it as Network Era.

Issues on cloud computing....

There are many issues regarding cloud computing, after seeing all, I can say that all are talking about security only.

1. Performance: performance is the first concern after security, what's t the speed of access, response and all....
2. what if server crashes due to natural hazards...
3. what if some one stole our data, who is the responsible for it..? for all these type questions are called as issues.

Note: Moreover, I don't want to speak about issues because they are many technology are there to secure your information, so be positive and enter into this New Era......