Friday, 31 January 2014

Cloudsim Setup and running simulation on ubuntu 12.04

Cloudsim Setup with Eclipse on ubuntu 12.04 (Simulation of cloudsim with eclipse)

Prerequisites to run Cloudsim

1) Install Java 1.6 or 1.7 or latest 

   sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk

2)  Installing Eclipse

   sudo apt-get install eclipse 

 Goto ubuntu software center

  write eclipse on search box and click on install option to install eclipse

3) Download the latest cloudsim using below link 

 4) extract all

   $tar -xvf   cloudsim-3.0.3.tar.gz

5)  Go-to eclipse and create a new Java project

   i)  eclipse=> New=>Java Project

   ii) uncheck the default location and browse to cloudsim folder.

browse to cloudsim folder
   iii) click finish

Run an Example to feel the cloudsim Simulation

1) Click on cloudsim(above created project) project and go to examples folder

2) click on file and click on run (Ctrl+F11)


  3)  Output of the program is shown in the console

output of CloudSimExample1

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